
(iphone) no jailbreak Truth or Dare⋆ hack exe help find hack free resources Board genre

Entertainment genre Truth or Dare⋆ hack



Language - English. Ipad. purchase - EXTREME Version & No Ads. notice - So when i was going to get this game i went to the reviews and most of them say you have to pay to play so i was very skeptical about getting so I decided to test it out. It was only me myself and i who was testing so i only put two players ever though it was just me. Yes the would you like to try the extreme thing free trial did pop up but you could easily click it off and it asks you are you sure so just click exit and it will take you to the game. I didn’t have any problem with it, it all seemed legit so i played by myself but since i was testing it I didn’t really do the challenges but I most likely now with my friends. Now i haven’t fully tested this game but for now everything seems fine. Size - 221730816 bytes. Publish date - 2018-08-04. Version - 1.7.


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